Rick Altham
1977 - Present
At the young age of 17, Rick began working at the Althams Factory in Morecambe on the shop floor. A number of the team Rick works alongside today were present on his first day in the family business.
Things were very different then, and all the order processing was done by hand with a notepad and pen. Within 12 months rick decided to return to the heart of the farming industry to improve on the knowledge he already had from his childhood.
He spent nearly all his weekends and school holidays farming which is where his heart is. Rick worked with his father Thomas Altham on the family farms rearing a range of cattle and sheep for a number of years.
As a result he was fortunate to learn the whole process of farming from calving and lambing to rearing, fattening, slaughtering, butchering and finally the reason we are in this industry - eating them!
Rick returned to the butchery business full time as Operations Director in his early twenties. At this stage he worked up to 18 hour days learning how the business ran in every department.
From here on in Rick and his brother James have driven the company in one direction only and with the continuous help and valued support of every team player they have managed to get where they are today.