Salt Marsh Lamb
Born, bred and reared naturally on land regularly washed by fresh sea water, Salt Marsh Lamb is a seasonal highlight.
On picturesque Morecambe Bay, lambs graze on the natural grasses of the marshland foreshore.
Never farmed, fertilised or ploughed, the land is replenished daily by the nutrient rich flow of tides through its channels.
This regional 'farm to fork' story rewards diners with a lamb that is delicate, sweet and unique in flavour.
“As a young lad I spent many an hour on Morecambe Bay where Salt Marsh Lambs graze freely on the nutrient rich marshland. I’m proud that my young son Thomas, the sixth generation of Althams Butchers, takes equal interest in understanding and appreciating this natural food chain.”
— Rick Altham, Operations Director